Thriving in College: Tips to Help You Cultivate Strong Mental Health as Campus Life Resumes

college students walking on campus

By Bournewood Health Systems Staff

We’re talking to you, college students! Summer is officially done and you’re back to campus life. Whether you’re a freshman away from home for the first time or know your way around campus, going back to college after the summer break can be an exciting journey filled with newfound independence, intellectual growth, and personal exploration.

We at Bournewood are here to help you with a few ideas to prioritize your mental health and well-being.

For the college life, whether you live on campus or commute, it’s essential to equip yourself with strategies to maintain and enhance your mental well-being. The college environment, with its academic demands, social pressures, and life changes, can sometimes pose challenges to your mental health. We at Bournewood are here to help you with a few ideas to prioritize your mental health and well-being.

For many students like you, going to college is an incredible experience and opportunity. However, it can also come with stressors that may impact your mental health. Here are a few:

Academic Pressure: Balancing coursework, assignments, and exams can be overwhelming.

Social Changes: Navigating new friendships, relationships, and social dynamics can be both exciting and challenging.

Independence: Managing finances, time, and daily responsibilities on your own can add to the stress.

Uncertainty About the Future: Decisions about majors, careers, and life after college can lead to anxiety.

So, how can you figure in good mental health among these competing priorities and concerns? Here are some approaches:

Self-Care Rituals: Establish a routine that includes regular exercise, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and relaxation techniques. Taking care of your body directly impacts your mental well-being.

Open Communication: Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with friends, family, or campus support systems. Talking about your challenges can alleviate stress and provide a fresh perspective.

Mindfulness Practices: Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing or journaling to stay grounded and reduce anxiety.

Balancing Social Life: While social interactions are essential, ensure you allocate time for yourself. It’s okay to say no to activities that might inundate you.

Time Management: Create a realistic schedule that allows for both study time and leisure activities. Avoid overloading yourself with commitments.

Seeking Counseling Services: Most colleges offer counseling services. Don’t hesitate to utilize these resources if you need professional support.

Use Campus Resources: Take advantage of tutoring centers, study groups, and professor office hours. Seeking help when needed is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Make Time for Passion Projects: Dedicate time to hobbies or activities you’re passionate about. Engaging in things you love can serve as a great stress-reliever.

If you are feeling depressed, are experiencing anxiety, mood changes, increased substance use, or other symptoms that affect your daily functioning, you may need more targeted and intensive help. Bournewood is here for you. Our partial hospital programs are short-term outpatient treatment services that can get you back on more solid footing.

Call us at 800-468-4358. You’re not alone. We are here for you.